enitde Telefon: +49 30 69 04 98 0 Montag - Freitag 8:00 - 18:00 Uhr Gneisenaustr. 113  •  10961 Berlin  •  U-Bahnhof Mehringdamm (U6, U7)
enitde Telefon: +49 30 69 04 98 0 Montag - Freitag 8:00 - 18:00 Uhr Gneisenaustr. 113  •  10961 Berlin  •  U-Bahnhof Mehringdamm (U6, U7)

Dr. med. dent. Jana Lo Scalzo

Principal Dentist

Since the beginning of my professional practice, I have focused on thorough and high-quality dentistry. This involves keeping in mind the overall picture of the patient as only this way can an individual treatment and prevention concept be created. I enjoy adjusting to each patient’s needs and take great pleasure in explaining the possibilities of modern dentistry in an understandable way.

Should treatment be necessary, I favour choosing minimally invasive, gentle procedures. My focus lies on preserving patient’s teeth by exhausting the possibilities offered by modern dentistry. When planning complex therapies, my choices are informed by the treatment focus on modern endodontology (root canal treatment) and complemented by my initial training as a dental technician.

Languages spoken

  • German, Italian, English

Treatment Focus

  • Zahnerhaltung - Praxis Lo Scalzo
    Restorative Dentistry
  • Endodontologie - Praxis Lo Scalzo
    Root Canal Treatment, Endodontics
  • Zahnersatz - Praxis Lo Scalzo
    Aesthetic and Functional Dentures
  • Parodontologie - Praxis Lo Scalzo
  • Implantologie - Praxis Lo Scalzo

Professional Associations

DGET – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Endodontologie und zahnärztliche Traumatologie
DGZMK – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde
DGZ – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zahnerhaltung
FVDZ – Freier Verband Deutscher Zahnärzte
APW – Akademie Praxis und Wissenschaft


Phone: +49 30 69 04 98 0
Email: info@praxis-loscalzo.de

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